Categorías: Noticias locales

Usuarios Hospital El Carmen planifican escuela de verano para dirigentes sociales

Tiempo de lectura: < 1 minuto

Tras realizar la primera reunión de cara a la primera escuela de verano orientada para dirigentes sociales, que organiza, el Consejo Consultivo de Usuarios del Hospital El Carmen comparte la siguiente invitación:

El consejo consultivo da a conocer a las comunidades de Cerrilos y de Maipú, que el dia miércoles 12 de julio del presente, se realizó la primera reunión de trabajo con académicos de la escuela de salud publica de la Universidad de Chile, representantes del hospital y del servicio, con la finalidad de organizar la primera escuela de verano orientada para dirigentes sociales, version 2016.

Para nuestra organización es un privilegio contar con tu presencia y activa participacion en la planificación y ejecución de tan magno evento.

Te invitamos a sumarte a esta iniciativa, construyamos juntos nuestros sueños colectivos.

A fortalecer la organización social en salud con organizacion y conocimiento.

Por una salud pública solidaria/integral/universal/igualitaria y gratuita.

Por una nueva constitucion politica que garantice la salud como un derecho humano.

No a la concesiones hospitalarias.

Por consejos de desarrollo locales y consultivos resolutivos.

Ven, te esperamos.

Facebook: usuarioshospitaldelcarmen

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  • Hi everyone,I had a ankle fusoin in Jan. 08 for me a big mistake. I was doing great so they said, in the beginning, until I started weight baring. I can hardly walk, they say my doctor it one of the best in our area. He tells me it is a non union, I kept telling him something is wrong now he is starting to listen. I am using a bone stimulator then I will get another cat scan and see what happens maybe another operation. I have been very active, I bike and hike and love to be outside now I can only swim that is about it. I can't dance with my husband at weddings and things. I am very frustrated I think there is something going on that he has not found. I am usually a very fast healer, I wish I had never had this surgery, yes sometime my ankle would hurt when I would go on long bike rides or hike for hours, but know I can't do anything, went to the beach for vacation and couldn't even walk on the beach.Sorry I am being such a winer, I know there are people out there who have it much worse, but I guess I am wondering if anyone knows someone who had these problems. I do not follow through with my steps its like I get suck and have to swing my leg out as I walk. which has caused my hip and back to hurt. Thanks , any suggestions, I am thinking a second opinion but he is suppose to be the best.

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