Categorías: Noticias locales

Bowers & Wilkins Speakers

Tiempo de lectura: 3 minutos

This B & W was the only one in the test field to the option to plugs the computer does not have an analog audio cable, but digitally via USB to the boxes. A good idea. Not only because each computer user has meanwhile a few USB cables lying around too much. But mainly because noise is thereby effectively excluded.

Overall, the B & W speakers sound a bit fatter, a little stronger but also less transparent than the music monitor speakers from Bose.

An eye-catcher are the GLA-55 so all, but they sound good?

On my desk, the crystal boxes shine though with a lot of presence and shine with enormous clarity in mids and highs, falling in the bass range, clear off. There is nothing I fear and am already preparing for a slating. But when I build the speakers for direct comparison to the hearing test on the living room floor, the acoustics sun seems to be working.

Such bass extension in a matching design

The controller is sunk deep in the body, with only a slim screwdriver and a lot of feeling reached. Did you get adjusted his desire level, you should not change this.

Kling expensive not so better?

A general answer to this question and I will not presume. In the ranks of the three hearing test loaded stainless powered speakers but I can answer the question with “Yes”.

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